Dreamcatcher's [VillainS] EP Review

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Dreamcatcher's [VillainS] EP Review

Dreamcatcher's [VillainS] EP Review

Dreamcatcher's [VillainS] EP is as dark as it is deep. This album showcases some of the group’s classic style whilst adding new elements to the mix. Expect rock and pop melded together in a minor key.

“Intro: This My Fashion” starts out the album with a robotic voice, electronic elements, an echoing beat, and funky bass. Setting up the tone of the album, this introduction was perfect. “OOTD” continues some of what “Intro: This My Fashion” started. With electric guitar, crisp vocals, and electronic additions– “OOTD” is catchy and anthemic at times. With a rough edge, Deamcatcher didn’t come to play!

“Rising” continues the sound from the previous tracks. With heavy electric guitars, a strong beat, and plenty of confident vocals, “Rising” belongs in a video game or an action film. It’s motivating and energizing, whilst retaining a serious and haunting tone.
Switching gears musically, “Shatter” is more trap than rock. The vocals particularly shine in this song, showing they can sing softly and boldly. It’s mysterious sounding and displays the musicality of the group. “We Are Young” is a pretty song that has the clearest vocals on the EP. Starting slow, it’s hard to tell if this will be a ballad or pick up the pace. “We Are Young” quickly becomes an upbeat EDM-styled track. It’s full of energy and optimism.
Overall, Dreamcatcher continues to perform bold tracks that are hard to ignore. But they aren’t stuck to only one genre! With a variety of pop, rock, EDM, and trap, this EP proves that they are true artists who can handle variety in sound and style. [VillainS] dark concept will really appeal to some fans as captivating and awe-inspiring. One thing’s for sure, it’s memorable!




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